The queen just wants to eat and wait for death.

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The queen just wants to eat and wait for death.The queen just wants to eat and wait for death.

"I've found it, and I've already sent it back to the Song family." "Xiao Jue pinched her hand and motioned for her peace of mind." Then why are you scaring me with that look? Ye Qing gave him an angry look. Xiao Jue's long and narrow eyes narrowed, and for a moment the look in her eyes was indistinct. "Are you sure she didn't approach you on purpose?" This made Ye Qinghu suspicious: "How could it be?"? Miss Song and I knew each other in Yangzhou before, and it was a coincidence that we met at the Jokhang Temple. Besides, why did she approach me? "" I'm just guessing, "said Hsiao Chueh. He succeeded in making Ye Qing restless and pestered him to ask, "What happened?" Hsiao Jue put the scroll aside and said with a faint expression, "When Wang Jing led his men into the Chamber of Secrets, Ming Hua was already a strong bow and crossbow. It was only because he had kidnapped the daughter of the Song family that he escaped. Finally, it took some effort to catch her back.". In the days when people were locked up in the prison of Dali Temple, the daughter of the Song family paid a lot of money to make the officials in the prison treat Minghua well. Ye Qing was stunned for a long time before he digested the news, and then fell into the same eerie silence as Xiao Jue. After a long time, Ye Qing said, Miss Song.. It should not be a group of people with Shaoshi Minghua. If she wanted to harm me, she would have done it as early as in Jieyin Hall, so she would not wait until the end. It would be far-fetched to say that she lurked to the end just to plead for Ming Hua through me. Song Wanqing had always given her a good impression, and her intuition told Ye Qing that the woman with a pure heart had made such a move out of the cabinet,Inflatable water obstacle course, and she was afraid that there was something else. Hsiao Jue pondered for a moment and then said, "I've sent spies to the Taiyuan area to make a thorough investigation. The Song family has always been clean. There's something really strange about this.". It's just that Minghua, the young teacher of the Jokhang Temple, was originally an illegitimate son of the Wang family in Taiyuan. The Wang family and the Song family are neighbors, so I'm afraid they have no contact with each other. Ye Qing told Xiao Jue what Song Wanqing had told her that day about her relationship with Ming Hua. Hsiao Jue did not speak for a long time, and the arc of her lips became cooler and thinner. "That's a little interesting.". After I returned to Beijing,inflatable amusement park, I announced that Han Chaoying had gone to Beijing, but I learned that he had met a robber on his way to Beijing. He had an ear cut off and an eye gouged out. Now he was half dead and was hanged by the doctor with medicine. Ye Qing listened to a stupefied, is it difficult for God to see Han slag man, want to punish him? But listen to the meaning of Xiao Jue's words, it may be that Ming Hua is looking for someone to do something? For a moment, she couldn't figure out what Xiao Jue thought about Song Wanqing. She wanted to meet Song Wanqing in private. She was pregnant now. Xiao Jue took her as a pain in her eyes. She was afraid of any accident. Naturally, she wouldn't let her see Song Wanqing in private. Ye Qing had no choice but to write a letter and sent Mozhu out of the palace to Song Wanqing. When the news was handed out, it was like a stone dropped into the sea. Mo Zhu replied, "Miss Song only said that she had caused trouble to the empress, but also said that the empress didn't need to think about it for her." Confused, Ye Qing casually asked, "How did Miss Song look at that time?" Mo Zhu thought for a moment and said, Inflatable mechanical bull ,Inflatable indoor park, "Maybe it's because I was kidnapped by the Western Qiang bandits before. The maidservant looked at Miss Song and didn't look very good." Ye Qing went through all the possibilities in his mind, but he didn't get a result. Mo Zhu remembered another rumor he had heard on his way back to the palace. After a moment's deliberation, he told Ye Qing, "The maidservant also heard something about the Ye family." Ye Qinghu looked at her suspiciously and said, "Just say it." Only then did Mo Zhu say in detail, "Rumor has it that Ye Da's son had an affair with a merchant's daughter. A few days ago, the merchant's daughter came to the door with a big belly and asked Ye Da's son to drive her away. Ye Da was anxious to get married, and it was also for the sake of the Ye family.." When Mo Zhu saw that Ye Qing's face had changed, he hesitated for a moment before he finished speaking: "To cover up the scandal." "Joke." Ye Qing immediately shouted, "Where did this come from?" Ashamed, Mo Zhu lowered his head and said, "The maidservant's time out of the palace is pressing. I haven't been able to find out who is spreading the rumor, but.." It is said that there is a nose and eyes, as if it is true. ” Other Ye Qing couldn't guarantee it, but Ye Jiannan played with the merchant girl. Ye Qing didn't believe what she said. She looked cold and immediately said, "Check. This rumor first came from the neighborhood. Who is the merchant girl in their mouth? Find it out for me." Mozhu bent his knees and answered yes, and then retreated. Just walked to the entrance, then saw Xiao Jue with a pile of memorials into the Zhaoyang Palace, she hurriedly salute, Xiao Jue step did not stay half a minute, under the guidance of Anfu to the inner hall. On the contrary, Wang Jing stayed in the outer room because he couldn't get to the inner hall. He politely asked Mo Zhu, "Miss Mo Zhu is in such a hurry. Where are you going?" Perhaps because he had been teased twice by Asparagus before, Wang Jing took the initiative to ask again, and Mo Zhu felt a little uncomfortable, but because of his identity, he replied respectfully: "There are some rumors in the community about the elder brother of the empress. The maidservant of Ming Dynasty finds out the source of the rumors." When she used to be a dark guard, she did a lot of tasks of lurking and spying, but she didn't think it was a rather difficult job. When Wang Jing heard this, he glanced at the sun outside and said, "Look up some rumors. The people under my command are good at it. They all work for Your Majesty and the Empress. Leave it to me." "This.." How to bother the king commander. Mo Zhu hesitated. Wang Jingmeifeng frowned without a trace and said, "It's not a trouble. It's just that the people under my command have been idle recently. I should find something for them to do.". It's getting late today. If Miss Mozhu leaves the palace now, she won't be able to come back for a while. The empress is pregnant now, and she can't be served by anyone. Miss Mozhu should stay in Zhaoyang Palace. His words all said this, and then refused to appear deliberately alienated, Mo Zhu since the recognition of Wang Jing magnanimous, there is no need to avoid suspicion, then nodded: "so,Inflatable 5k obstacle, thank you for the king." The corners of Wang Jing's mouth seemed to be warped without any trace: "Miss Mozhu is polite." She was a female palace official who could not have had too much contact with the commander of the imperial army in front of the emperor. After saying these last polite words, she bowed her knees and stepped down. Wang Jing looked at her receding figure in the palace of the corridor waist, and did not withdraw his eyes until he could not see her.
