The Simple Life of Rebirth

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Although it is said that good study is not necessarily a bookworm, it is a pity that at least half of the people in our class can not meet this requirement.

"This is the last warning, if you continue to do this silly thing, I will make you disappear from a city." I crouched down, grabbed Liu Mei's collar, and leaned over her ear and threatened her gently. I'm sure that my behavior must be similar to that of the female hooligans on TV. Releasing my foot, I shrugged. I'm just scaring Liu Mei. After all, I don't want to be criticized by the school notice. You are crazy, and I will not let you go. I will sue you. "Liu Mei, who stood up, had a fierce face and no gentle breath of a charming girl." Go, go, I believe the old guy at school will ask me if my hand hurts. "My eyebrows are high, it seems that I am a little light.". At least now the willow eyebrow is still alive and screaming. Liu Mei was panting for breath, looking at her as if she was ready to rush over and fight with me at any time. It's just that when I want to be smart, she pounces on Si Zeyin at once. The corners of his mouth shouted, "Ze Yin, did you see that, too?"? You have to help me. Dumb, I looked at Si Zeyin's expression of eating a fly, and immediately laughed, although he showed that expression was only a matter of a moment. If there's nothing to do,fine bubble diffuser, I'll go first. Picking up the photo from the ground, I said to Si Zeyin. He nodded at me and put his hands in the air. Now everyone can see the situation clearly. Although the handsome young man who came with Liu Mei is not with me, he is also familiar with me. Originally, the person who wanted to fix me was fixed by me. He gritted his teeth and swallowed it, and there was no place to complain. Holding the photo, I blinked my eyes. It seems that the name of'fierce 'must be on my head in the future. It was still the corridor of the Wisteria pavilion, and I leaned against the pillar and closed my eyes. Because here is the old teaching building, so few people come here,disc air diffuser, occasionally students pass by and see that I am far away from it. Why are you still here? The voice of the spring suddenly sounded in my ears, and I didn't have to guess who it was. I'm surprised you're here, too. It is reasonable to say that you are so busy that you should be so busy that you want to turn one person into two? Moreover, there is a cowhide candy, "I still close my eyes, but the tone is full of teasing, and the corners of my mouth are slightly raised." You went a little too far today. "Oh?" Hearing this, I opened my eyes and continued to say, "I thought you looked very happy." Finally, I winked and laughed. Strange to say, this is the third time we have met, he and I can talk like old friends, it seems that his gentleness should be in the first place, "pay attention in the future, rotary vacuum disc filters ,fine bubble diffuser, Liu Mei will not give up." "Ah, I didn't expect you to say such a thing to me," I said in surprise, taking advantage of the opportunity to hook a strand of hair hanging down from my ear. After a pause, he went on to say, "I always like to realize what I say to myself, so if I don't want the vice president of our student union to be gone, you, the president, should take good care of it." He stood up and quietly picked a Wisteria and put it on the tip of his nose, but he didn't forget that the film was not in his hand. I know, from a long time ago, that the time can be traced back to the previous life. I am not a soft-hearted person, even cold-blooded in some places. So, I know that honesty, ignorance, and even innocence can coexist with cold-blooded. I left first, and it was time for class. "I picked up my picture on the bench and dragged it into my pants pocket casually. I ran towards the playground without looking back.". Leaving a handsome young man with a thoughtful face and the petals of Wisteria on the ground a few steps away from the young man. 132 Niuniu I was a little surprised that there was no leak at noon. Anyway, no one came to trouble me, and no gossip drifted into my ears. It seemed that Si Zeyin was still very protective of his vice president of the vase. He stretched lazily, and now it was the end of the evening self-study. Time passed quickly, but when school was about to end, Lao Mou announced an absolutely exciting news for the students with a wrinkled old face. There will be a sports meeting next Monday, and it will last until Tuesday afternoon. It means that if there is no accident, the fall sports meeting will last for two days, and we can play for two days. For people who have just entered high school and are still childlike, this news is really exciting to fly to the sky. However, the problem comes with it. Play is fun, and the sports meeting will be held. Lao Mou is the kind of person who wants to save face. Wen you want to take the export, Wu you want to take the hand, so he will never allow the phenomenon of abstention or blank registration in our class. Although it is said that good study is not necessarily a bookworm, it is a pity that at least half of the people in our class can not meet this requirement. Even those who meet the requirements will not be athletes. Lao Mou was so cruel that he ordered the sports committee to report all the events before school tomorrow afternoon. However, it's not my business, and I don't care. Anyway, this kind of thing doesn't fall on me. "Ruishu, what are you waiting for?" Tidy up quickly. "Gao Yun has been poking me in the back, but what makes me wonder is that this girl has been staring at the boy in front of me on the left with deep hatred. Why?"? "I'm coming. Miss Gao, would you please wait?" Rolling my eyes, I looked back at Luo Wenqi. That girl is not also in the pack, this Gao Yun how has been urging me a person in the pocket of the mobile phone suddenly ring up, or continue. I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, I opened the vibration mode early. A hand casually turned out a glance, is the bald phone, the heart sank, knowing that the bald probably has some clues about that thing, so he carried his schoolbag on his shoulder and turned his head sideways to Gao Yun and shouted: "Ah Yun, Wen Qi,lamella clarifer, I'm not with you today, I still have something to go first." With that, he hurried to the outside of the classroom.
