The Finest Mounts Available Including the Fastest and Most Free Mounts for Lost Ark gold

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It is not easy to acquire mounts in Lost Ark, and it is not easy to choose which mount to acquire given the wide variety of mounts and the wide variety of methods that are available to obtain them. Because the vast majority of them can be bought, everyone is interested in making the best p

What Role Do Mounts Play in the Game Lost Ark?

It is not easy to acquire mounts in Lost Ark, and it is not easy to choose which mount to acquire given the wide variety of mounts and the wide variety of methods that are available to obtain them. Because the vast majority of them can be bought, everyone is interested in making the best possible investment with their money. Because we want to make everything as easy as possible for you, we have compiled this guide, which includes all the information you need to know about mounts, such as how to get free mounts and which mounts are the best in Lost Ark. We have done this because we want to make everything as easy as possible for you.

A Walkthrough on How to Acquire Mounts

Because certain types of mounts can be unlocked after achieving a certain percentage of the overall goal; for example, you need another 30% of the overall goal completed to get a Raptor, or you get the mount as a reward for accomplishing something. You can learn about the NPCs, Gifts, and Rewards available in the game by reading our Lost Ark Rapport guide. If you have an interest in the subject of collecting rewards, then you should consider doing what I suggest.

In addition, the game's currency can be used to purchase mounts, which adds a new dimension to the gameplay experience. After finishing all of the required tasks, a completely separate option will become available in the menu. This option can then be used to navigate to the mount in question and purchase it. Have a look at Sirius Lost Ark Gold in the pictures that have been provided down here.

Best And Fastest Mounts

The images and captions that follow are required reading because they provide an in-depth look at some of the fastest mounts that can be obtained in Lost Ark. While we are discussing mounts, be sure to take a look at our guide to the top eight most powerful ships in Lost Ark as well.


The most important factor that contributes to his lightning-fast speed is the fact that it features a double dodge. It has a cooldown time of 12 seconds, which is too much; this means that after the dodge, it will be slow for a total of 12 seconds. Now, let me tell you that it is a weak link. The Cerberus has a cooldown time of 12 seconds, which is too much. Let's take a look at the following list to see how the other mounts stack up in this competition and find out where they currently stand.


In spite of this, there are a few other differences between them that, within the scope of this comparison, it is very important to emphasize. On the other hand, Cerberus is successful in avoiding being hit twice in a single attempt, whereas Tiger is only successful in this regard once. Nevertheless, despite this, its speed is respectable, albeit significantly slower than that of the Cerberus. The only way in which the Tiger is more advanced than the Cerberus is in the fact that it only requires ten seconds as opposed to twelve, but other than that, the Cerberus is far more sophisticated than the Tiger.


The cloud is yet another foe that is on par with the tiger and the Cerberus in terms of its destructive potential. It is quite small in comparison to the other two, but the quality of its dodge gives it many opportunities to give them a run for their money. It trails the Tiger by only a short distance, which is significant when we compare the two in terms of their size, and this is one of the reasons why.


As a result of its ability to double jump, Cerberus has the ability to dodge at the furthest range, while Tiger has the ability to dodge at the second-furthest range, placing it slightly higher than Cloud. Cerberus's ability to double jump gives it the ability to dodge at the furthest range. On the other hand, Cloud's dodging distance may be shorter than that of the other two, but its cooldown time is only five seconds, which is only half of what is required by the other two.

There are over 60 different mounts available for use in Lost Ark, each with their own distinct gameplay and set of features, but some of these mounts stand out from the crowd more than others. As a consequence of this, we have provided a rundown of the seven mounts that are considered to be the most important for players to possess in Lost Ark. The vast majority of them are completely free to acquire; all that is required of you is to make progress in the story and complete a number of the objectives. Check out the list that is presented further down the page.


Using a Raptor as a mount can be an extremely entertaining experience due to the fact that everyone is a fan of the Jurassic Park movie franchise and curious about the existence of dinosaurs. Since having a Raptor as a mount is essentially a perk, in addition to the fact that it is well constructed and appears extremely realistic, as well as the fact that the player has a good time controlling it, and it can move fairly quickly, Raptor is definitely one of the mounts that you should try out. It is also one of the mounts that you should try out. As I was saying earlier, once you have completed thirty percent of the story, you will be able to acquire this mount. This is something I said earlier. If you want to get an idea of what the Raptor looks like in the game, take a look at the picture of it that has been provided for you below.

The Frost Wolf is the very first mount that becomes available to you after completing the very first basic level, at which point you are given control over a horse to use as a mount. It is a very respectable mount; it moves quickly, has a very good dodge, and looks great, like some kind of noble animal. It also has a very good dodge. As a direct consequence of this, we have decided to include it on our list of the top seven mounts that everyone ought to test out at least once. A picture of it can be found in the attachment that follows:

Hill of the Turtle Dove

You will be able to acquire the Turtle Mount at no cost once you have finished a questline that is comprised of a total of five individual parts. On the island of Turtle can be found this location. Just like the other mounts on the list, this particular mount does not exist anywhere else in the world. It is simply unbelievable how the game developers were able to make the turtle into something that can be used as a mount; as a result, we have added it to our list of the top seven mounts that you absolutely have to try out in order to complete the experience. Take a gander at the illustration of it that's down here.

Dyorika Warhorse

It is very likely the most intricately crafted and beautifully decorated mount in the Lost Ark. The Lost Ark is known for its incredible level of detail. This mount is absolutely adorable due to the fact that not only is it fully armored in colors of black and blue, but it also has wings. This combination of features makes the mount very appealing to look at. You are going to have to put in some work in order to acquire this mount, which can be found in the eastern part of Luterra. Because the mount has so many different capabilities, they insisted that we include it on the list despite our objections. Take a gander at the illustration of it that's down here.

This incredible mount has the appearance of a tiger and is truly remarkable in its own right. It can be purchased in either of two colors, giving you a choice between the two. It roars like a real tiger because we have experience riding and controlling the king of the jungle, which makes this mount truly one of a kind and remarkable in its own right. It is one of the top seven mounts that you absolutely have to try because it is very quick, it has a lot of vitality, and it eats there. You will be able to acquire this mount once you have completed Ark Pass by making your way through the levels and accumulating rewards up to the tenth level.

Lost Ark HoverboardThere are two distinct categories of mounts, which are referred to respectively as the Apostel Hoverboard and the Neugier Hoverboard. The primary distinction between these and jets is that they travel over land rather than in the air. Their construction is very similar. Jets are probably the best analogy for their overall shape. You will be able to move freely across them if you stand on top of them in this position.

The Neugier Hoverboard can be acquired with relatively little effort, in contrast to the Apostel Hoverboard, which demands a greater amount of effort to acquire. In order to meet one of the requirements, for instance, you have to have completed at least fifty percent of the story's content. There are also a few other prerequisites. These types of Mounts are very different from any of the others that I have talked about earlier on in this guide. Have a look at the illustration of the hoverboard mounts for the Lost Ark that has been provided down below.

Mounts are an interesting feature in Lost Ark Gold store that players get to use in order to get away from their current location and explore the open world at a more rapid pace than they could otherwise do on foot. Before moving on to the mounts that you consider to be your personal favorites while playing Lost Ark, you should give the top-tier mounts on our list of the quickest and best mounts in Lost Ark a try at least once. After that, you can focus on the mounts that rank lower on our list.

Our conversation about Mounts from the Lost Ark has reached its natural conclusion. I was wondering what your thoughts were on the matter. Continue the discussion in the section below designated for comments, and feel free to share any further thoughts you may have.
