Instructions on how to finish the quest Elden Ring Fia

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It's possible that the Elden Ring Fia quest won't seem all that important at first; after all, it's just a random woman asking if you'd like a hug

It's possible that the Elden Ring Fia quest won't seem all that important at first; after all, it's just a random woman asking if you'd like a hug. However, as you progress through Elden Ring, you'll realize that there's a lot more to the Deathbed Companion than you might have initially thought. When it comes to determining which Elden Ring ending you can achieve, the Fias quest is right up there with the Dung-Eater (opens in new tab), the Goldmask (opens in new tab), and even Ranni (opens in new tab). If you are interested in history and unexpected revelations, you will find that Fia's story offers some of the best of all of the Elden Ring NPC questlines. To continue with her questline, you must first meet D, the Hunter of the Dead, and then travel to the Altus Plateau using either the Grand Lift of Dectus (opens in a new tab) or the Ruin-Strrewn Precipice. The following is a list of the steps you must take to accomplish these two objectives. You can probably guess that this will reveal some information about the game's ending, so if you want to avoid it, look away now.
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2. When you have reached the Altus Plateau, speak with Fia to receive the Weathered Dagger.

3. In the Roundtable Hold, give the dagger to D, who is known as the Hunter of the Dead. After returning, you will discover that Fia has murdered D in the room just past Smith Master Hewg.

5. Upon reaching the point in the Ranni quest (which opens in a new tab), where she hands you the Carian Inverted Statue, you should complete the quest. You can obtain the Cursemark of Death by making use of the statue located in the Carian Study Hall, which will open in a new tab on your browser.

7. In the Nameless Eternal City, ascend the tree roots and engage in combat with the boss of the Fias. If you want to defeat Lichdragon Fortissax, you must first give her the Cursemark of Death and then enter the Deathbed Dream. Take from her body the Mending Rune of the Death Prince as well as her outfit.

10. If you gave D's armor set to his twin in the Siofra Aqueduct, he will kill her, but if you reload and return, you can receive his sword and get D's armor set back. Should you give in and let Fia hold you, Elden Ring Elden? After exiting the main room that contains the Table of Lost Grace through the doorway that is directly to the right of Diallos, continue forward through the door that is directly across from you. Fia is currently lounging on a bed in close proximity to a massive open fire. You will receive the consumable item Baldachin's Blessing if you agree to let Fia hold you. This item will temporarily increase your Poise while it is equipped. A minor debuff to your health will be applied by Fia until you use the item, and this is the cost of using her. Whenever you feel the need, you can go back to her to receive additional Baldachin's Blessings. If you decline her offer, you will not receive the item and will not be able to begin her quest. It is important to note that this boss drops an item called the Elden Ring Deathroot (opens in a new tab), which is unrelated to this quest but useful in any case for unlocking bestial incantations.

This item can be found here. It should now be possible for you to find D close to the main table in the hold; however, you can ignore him for the time being. You will be given the Weathered Dagger, and you will be tasked with finding the person who owns it. Proceed now to point D in the main room back where you came and hand over the dagger. When you return to the Roundtable Hold, you will discover that D has been murdered in the room at the end of the corridor by Smith Master Hewg. Fia was the one who committed the murder. The location of the Death Mark, also known as the CursemarkIn order to proceed to the next stage of the quest, you will need to use an item that you obtained from the Elden Ring Ranni quest to invert the Carian Study Hall (opens in new tab) in East Liurnia (opens in new tab). You will now be able to pass through, but you will have to engage in combat with Proprietor Miriam after you do so.

Utilizing a spell or bow that has the potential to knock her off the bridge is the most effective strategy. Proceed to the very top of the Divine Tower, where you will find a dead body, and loot it to obtain the Cursemark of Death. Siofra AqueductOptional use of twinned armor. The next part of Fias's quest requires him to travel to the Deeproot Depths using the Siofra Aqueduct, which is located close to Nokron. Due to the fact that this region is distinct from the typical Elden Ring Siofra River (opens in a new tab) area, you will be able to access it only after completing Ranni's quest and defeating Radahn. You will find a place to drop down into the Siofra Aqueduct if you travel in a north-easterly direction through the woods and then past the jellyfish. Make your way through, but keep an eye out for the Crucible Knights who are patrolling the area. Should you decide to hand over the Twinned armor set, D's brother will be the one to execute Fia. You will eventually get the armor back, as well as a new weapon that can be equipped with the Elden Ring (opens in new tab).

Take down the Champions of Fias in the Deeproot Depths. Now, you must vanquish the boss, the Valiant Gargoyle. Keep your distance from the second enemy while it is wielding the twinblade; once it switches to the axe, its attacks will become much slower and easier to avoid. After you have vanquished your foe, travel to the waterfall and enter the coffin there. Continue moving forward until you come across the Nameless Eternal City, and then climb the tree roots to reach the highest point, where you will find a site of grace. Proceed into the arena to face off against the leader of the Fias champions. Be wary of being ambushed by a group of enemies in the final phase; despite the fact that they are all NPCs, this mission is not overly difficult. Have a conversation with her and make sure to ask her to hold you when the time is right. Maintain communication with her and hand over the Deathmark (Cursemark). You should be able to engage in conversation with her at this point in order to access the Deathbed Dream. In the event that this choice is unavailable to you, you should quickly leave the area and then come back through the Across the Roots Site of Grace.


After you have vanquished Mohg inside the Forsaken Cathedral, head to the altar and then descend to the location of the Frenzied Flame


- First, you'll need to hit the walls on the right side to reveal a room that contains a chest

- After that, you'll need to hit the wall that's behind that room to reveal a way into the Deeproot Depths

- Instructions on how to obtain the Death-Prince's Mending RuneAfter entering the Deathbed Dream, you will have to battle the Lichdragon Fortissax, the dragon that serves as the boss of this area

- After you have successfully vanquished him, you will be taken back out of the dream

- This is the most important item that must be obtained in order to get Fia's Ending, and it can only be used once the final boss has been defeated
