Why Career Guidance for Students Is a Trend That Is Here to Stay

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Career makers play an important role in a student's life as they provide guidance and assistance to students in choosing the right

Career makers play an important role in a student's life as they provide guidance and assistance to students in choosing the right career path. Here are some ways in which career makers are important in a student's life:

  1. Guidance: career guidance for students can help students identify their interests, strengths, and weaknesses, and provide guidance on career options that align with their skills and interests.
  2. Exploration: cbse career guidance plays an important role in exploring different career paths by providing information about various industries, job roles, and opportunities.
  3. Skill development: career coaching services can help students develop the necessary skills and knowledge needed for their chosen career by providing advice on courses and training programs that can help them acquire relevant skills.
  4. Networking: They can also help students build their professional network by connecting them with industry professionals, alumni, and other students pursuing similar careers.
  5. Job search: Career makers can assist students in job search by providing tips on resume writing, interview preparation, and job application process.

WOW Factors is a career guidance and counselling AND A People Development Organisation” that provides high quality training intervention in Business verticals. 

