Microsoft AZ-104 Exam Questions: Your Key to Success

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The Microsoft AZ-104 exam, also known as the Microsoft Azure Administrator exam, is designed for professionals who want to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in implementing, managing, and monitoring Microsoft Azure resources.

Introduction to the Microsoft AZ-104 Exam

The Microsoft AZ-104 exam, also known as the Microsoft Azure Administrator exam, is designed for professionals who want to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in implementing, managing, and monitoring Microsoft Azure resources. This exam is an important stepping stone for individuals aiming to become Azure administrators. In this article, we will explore some commonly asked AZ-104 exam questions and provide insightful answers to help you prepare for success.

What is the format of the AZ-104 exam?

The AZ-104 exam is a comprehensive test that consists of various question types, including multiple-choice, drag-and-drop, and scenario-based questions. The exam duration is typically around 150 minutes, during which candidates are required to answer approximately 40-60 questions. The passing score for the exam is usually 700 out of 1000.

What are the main topics covered in the AZ-104 exam?

The AZ-104 exam evaluates your proficiency in several key areas of Azure administration. The main topics covered in the exam include:

2.1 Managing Azure identities and governance: This section assesses your knowledge of managing Azure Active Directory, users, groups, and roles. It also covers Azure Policy, Azure Blueprints, and managing resource locks.

2.2 Implementing and managing storage: This section focuses on various Azure storage services, including Azure Blob storage, Azure Files, Azure Disk Storage, and Azure Storage Explorer. Additionally, it covers storage security and connectivity options.

2.3 Deploying and managing virtual machines: Here, you will be tested on your understanding of Azure virtual machines, virtual machine sizes, virtual machine availability, and Azure Reserved Virtual Machine Instances (RIs).

2.4 Configuring and managing virtual networks: This topic covers Azure virtual networks, IP addressing, network security groups, virtual network peering, Azure VPN Gateway, and Azure ExpressRoute.

2.5 Monitoring and backing up Azure resources: This section evaluates your knowledge of Azure Monitor, Azure Alerts, Azure Log Analytics, Azure Backup, and site recovery.

How can I prepare for the AZ-104 exam?

To excel in the AZ-104 exam, consider the following preparation strategies:

3.1 Review the official Microsoft documentation: Microsoft offers detailed documentation on each exam topic. Make sure to study the official documentation to gain a deep understanding of Azure services and features.

3.2 Take online training courses: Numerous online platforms provide AZ-104 training courses that cover all the exam objectives. These courses often include hands-on labs and practice tests to enhance your practical skills.

3.3 Practice with sample questions: Several websites and books offer sample questions that simulate the AZ-104 exam format. Practicing these questions can help you familiarize yourself with the types of questions asked and improve your time management skills.

3.4 Hands-on experience: Working with Azure in a real-world scenario is invaluable. Try to gain practical experience by implementing Azure services, deploying virtual machines, configuring virtual networks, and exploring Azure's monitoring and backup capabilities.

Are there any additional resources I can use?

In addition to the official documentation and training courses, you can also explore the following resources to further enhance your AZ-104 exam preparation:

4.1 Microsoft Learning Path: Microsoft provides a comprehensive learning path specifically designed for the AZ-104 exam. It includes modules, hands-on labs, and quizzes to help you master the required skills.

4.2 Azure documentation and forums: The Azure documentation and community forums are excellent sources of information and support. You can find in-depth articles, best practices, and engage in discussions with experts and fellow learners.

4.3 Microsoft Azure YouTube channel: Microsoft offers a dedicated YouTube
