Varkala Ayurvedic spa

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Varkala Ayurvedic spa

Varkala Ayurvedic spa provide a range of treatments and therapies that are rooted in Ayurvedic principles. These treatments are designed to detoxify, rejuvenate, and restore balance in the body. Ayurvedic spa therapies often involve the use of natural he

.Varkala Ayurvedic spa

Varkala Ayurvedic spa provide a range of treatments and therapies that are rooted in Ayurvedic principles. These treatments are designed to detoxify, rejuvenate, and restore balance in the body. Ayurvedic spa therapies often involve the use of natural herbs, oils, and speci


body massage spa in varkala

Full Body Massage Spa inVarkala is a place where you can relax and unwind your body and mind. The Body Massage Spa offers a variety of massages, scrubs, polishing, wraps and other therapies to leave your skin clean, soft, healthy and glowing.

What is ayurvedic spa in varkala

An Ayurvedic spa in Varkala is a wellness center or facility that offers traditional Ayurvedic treatments and therapies. Ayurveda ialized techniques to promote relaxation, healing, and vitality. Ayurvedic spa in varkala price very low and good 

Package Inclusions : 

* Accommodation In A/C Room. 
* Daily 1 session of Yoga. 
* Daily 2 session of Ayurvedic massage/therapy. 
* Doctor’s consultation/check-up during the course of treatment. 
* Daily internal medicines during the course of treatment. 
* Meals will be as per Ayurvedic diet (ONLY VEG.).

Generic Inclusions:
- Consultation with the Doctor 
- All meals (Breakfast, Lunch Dinner). The package starts with lunch and ends with breakfast 
- Customized treatment (as per Doctors advice) 
- Advice on Lifestyle Management 
- Advice on Diet pattern


Get in Touch
Want to Make a Booking or Have a Question?

   Call Now +91 - 8086748121


Here are some common Ayurvedic spa treatments you may find:

Abhyanga: This is a full-body massage using warm herbal oils to nourish the body, improve circulation, and release toxins.

Shirodhara: In this therapy, a continuous stream of warm oil is poured onto the forehead to calm the mind, reduce stress, and promote relaxation.

Panchakarma: Panchakarma is a detoxification and rejuvenation program that involves a series of therapies aimed at eliminating toxins from the body.

Ayurvedic facials: These facials use natural ingredients and techniques to cleanse, exfoliate, and nourish the skin based on Ayurvedic principles.

Herbal steam baths: Steam baths with herbal infusions are used to open the pores, eliminate toxins, and promote relaxation.

Ayurvedic diet and nutrition counseling: Ayurvedic spas may also offer guidance on dietary practices and lifestyle choices to support overall health and well-being.

The goal of an Varkala Ayurvedic spa is to restore balance and promote harmony in the body, mind, and spirit through personalized treatments and therapies based on Ayurvedic principles. It's important to note that Ayurvedic spa treatments should be performed by trained and qualified Ayurvedic practitioners to ensure safety and effectiveness.

body massage spa in varkala


Some of the benefits of body massage spa are:
It loosens your muscles, thereby reducing tightness, pain, swelling and stress.
It improves your blood flow, providing adequate nutrition to all parts of your body.
It maintains your hormonal balance, thereby improving your mood, health, immune system, reproductive system, quality of sleep, metabolism, stomach problems, acne, pigmentation, cellulite, premature-aging, beauty, etc. has a positive impact.
It makes your mind balanced, happy, positive, creative, composed, confident, etc. lives.


Some of the main types of massages you can get at Body Massage Spa are:


Swedish Massage: This massage is a process of rubbing with light hands for a long time.
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