Diastasis Recti Treatment In Singapore | Healing Your Core

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Diastasis recti is a widespread disorder that primarily affects women, especially during and after pregnancy.

Diastasis recti is a widespread disorder that primarily affects women, especially during and after pregnancy. The rectus abdominis muscles, which run vertically along the front of the abdomen, separate in a condition known as diastasis recti, also known as abdominal separation, when the connective tissue (linea alba) that binds them together stretches and becomes weaker. We shall examine the definition of diastasis recti treatment in Singapore, its causes, and the treatment choices in Singapore in this blog.

Visible Abdominal Bulge | One of the most obvious symptoms is a protrusion or bulge along the midline of the abdomen, especially while straining or sitting up straight.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction | Diastasis recti can be a contributing factor in pelvic floor problems, such as urine incontinence.

Digestive Problems | Reduced abdominal support might cause some people to have digestive problems, such as bloating or constipation.

Lower Back Pain | Chronic discomfort might occur from weak abdominal muscles putting more strain on the lower back.

Although diastasis recti can be a difficult ailment, people in Singapore can recover and restore their core strength and function with the proper care and treatment. Effective diastasis recti treatment options are available in Singapore to aid people on their path to recovery, whether through physiotherapy, fitness courses, nutritional counselling, or surgical intervention. Check out site for more details.
