How to fight fatigue caused by low testosterone

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Are you tired of feeling tired? This could be due to your testosterone levels. Along with brain fog, low libido, and weight gain, low testosterone can leave you feeling tired and drained—and even the activities you love turn into a chore.

Life is too short to snooze! That's why we've compiled a list of five ways you can combat low-T fatigue. Read on to find out how you can get your energy back and start feeling like yourself again.


Treat yourself to healthy sleep.


Your body produces most of its testosterone while you sleep. Therefore, getting the right amount of healthy sleep is important in managing testosterone levels.


It is recommended that you follow a regular sleep schedule and try not to nap during the day, as this can disrupt your sleep at night. If you find that caffeine or other stimulants cause you to have restless or troubled sleep, limit the amount you consume during the day or try to avoid them before bed.

Add regular exercise to your routine.


It's common knowledge that exercise can improve your health – including your testosterone levels.


Research has shown that exercise can increase testosterone levels for a period of time. However, you need to exercise regularly to see any results, so it's important to create a manageable routine.


While cardio and endurance training are beneficial for your overall health, strength and power training has been found to have the greatest impact on fighting low T levels.



Eat a balanced diet.


As with exercise, maintaining a balanced diet is important for your overall health and can be effective against fatigue caused by low testosterone.


Certain foods, such as egg yolks, beans, and pomegranates, are naturally full of vitamins that can help boost testosterone levels. Conversely, foods like sugar and alcohol can actually lower your testosterone. Be sure to watch what you eat and understand how it can affect your body and your T levels.



Check out other causes.


Low testosterone may lead to fatigue, but it may not be the only thing affecting your energy. Conditions such as sleep apnea, depression, heart disease, and thyroid disease, among others, can cause or worsen fatigue.


Talk to your doctor to see if anything else could be affecting your energy levels. Alleviating these other factors can help you reduce fatigue.

Explore testosterone therapy.


One of the most effective ways to combat low testosterone – and the fatigue it causes – is testosterone therapy.


Testosterone therapy gets to the heart of the problem by replenishing testosterone levels and balancing your hormones. Some treatments include supplements, skin patches, creams, and gels—but testosterone injections and testosterone pellet therapy are two of the safest and most effective testosterone replacement therapy options.
